Every Monday, several bloggers post reviews of a MG book they've read. Some of the posts may occasionally be about an author interview or offer giveaways. I've won a few books just by leaving comments!
If you're a middle grade writer like me, you should definitely take advantage of this wonderful meme. It's a great way to connect with other MG writers and to discover new books to add to your to-read list. So far, I've only been reading other people's reviews without participating, but I'm thinking about posting my book reviews on Mondays and join in the fun.
To join, simply e-mail Shannon Messenger a link to your blog and the title of the book you're featuring at SWMessenger (at) hotmail (dot) com. Make sure you put MMGM in the subject line and that you e-mail her by Sunday night, so she can feature it on her Monday post. Check out Shannon's blog for more details and for a weekly list of participants with links to their posts. Thank, Shannon, for doing this! You're a star!
MMGM Participants:
(I'll add to the list as I find new ones)
Andrea Mack
Barbara Ann Watson
Brooke Favero
Dorine White
Gina Carey
Shannon O'Donnell
1 day ago
Yay! I hope you join us!
Such a great idea!
Do join! Would love to hear what books you're enjoying :0)
A great idea. I'm not sure about committing to blurbing a book a week, but the exposure for MG books is wonderful.
Thanks, everyone, for your comments! I don't think I can do it every week, but whenever I have a book review to post, I'll post it on Monday.
Hi Annie, I'm an MGMer and not everyone posts a new one every week. Sometimes if we're really busy, we just say, No post this week for me but here's a list of all the other MGMers this week. Then cut and paste Shannon's list.
I know at least one MGMer who alternates with a YA post as well.
Man! I missed this one :) Better late than never LOL
HI, I write MG reviews. Not everyday, some days I write children's book reviews, but it evens out. Site name is Kid Lit Reviews. My name is Sue Morris. site is at http://kid-lit-reviews.com I am following your site, but if that doesn't give you my email address here it is: morris (dot) suem @ att (dot) net
I would appreciate being on you list of MG reviewers. I like this idea. When I get a break I think I;l run this list on my site also -- if that is okay with you.
I help run a blog hop on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month for MG books. It is called Kid Lit Blog Hop, nothing fancy. We use the Lynkys to sign up. It is very easy to do and a great way to increase followers.The best place to sign up or view the sites in the hop is at mother daughter book reviews. Here: http://motherdaughterbookreviews.com
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